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​Call for submissions: Children’s thoughts and feelings about inclusion and belonging

February 22, 2024

Calling all little artists!

The Ministry of Education and Child Care is developing an Inclusive Child Care Strategy as part of efforts to build a future where child care is a core service that is inclusive of all children and families. We want to hear from children about what inclusion in child care feels like for them.

We invite children and young people to describe what happens around me when I feel like I belong?” using artwork, drawings, paintings, photos, or quotes that capture their unique experiences and perspectives. These submissions will be part of the engagement the ministry has been doing to inform the development of the Inclusive Child Care Strategy and may be published as part of the strategy. Please pass this along to as many child care providers, parents, and young people as possible!

Please submit all artwork and quotes to no later than Friday, March 16, 2024. All submissions must be in a .JPG format that is at least 800kb, and must not include any identifying information about the child or young person. All published artwork and quotes will remain anonymous.