Here are some resources that you might find helpful for extra Reading and Math Activities ....

Tumble Book Library | Click on the picture above to access the Tumble Book Library. It's filled with many K-6 children's e-books for your reading pleasure! You can enter the following username and password to get in: Username: tumble735 and password: books

Tumble Math e-Books |
Click on the picture above to access the Tumble Math site. It's
filled with many Math e-books with lesson plans and fun activities! You
can enter the following username and password to get in: Username: tumble2020 and password: A3b5c6

Scholastic Learn at Home |
Click on the picture above to access the Scholastic Learn at Home website. They are offering FREE resources for parents to keep kids reading, thinking and growing during COVID-19. You can also click on the links below for specific grade levels. No passwords are required.
Pre K & K | Grades 1 & 2 | Grades 3 to 5 | Grades 6 to 9

Wonderopolis | Click on the picture above to access another great website "Where the Wonders of Learning Never Cease"!

Wonders with Charlie | Click on the picture above to access another great resource from Wonderopolis. Wonders with Charlie is filled with great video clips for kids. I wonder what Charlie is going to do next!

Storyline Online |
Click on the picture above to access the Storyline Online website. This is a FREE Literacy Program where Actors read to children!