Grade: Kindergarten/Grade 1
In 2020 the school had to move to on-line learning due to the COVID pandemic. As a result, our E-Learning pages were created. Now that we are back to in-person sessions, Ms.Macintosh has returned to classroom instruction only. We have kept this page active though in case it is necessary to return to on-line school. Ms. Macintosh will reload videos and links if necessary. If you would like to ask Ms. Macintosh a question, click on her name above to send her an email message.
E-Learning Information:
If we return to on-line learning, Ms. Macintosh will use Scholantis to connect with you.

Scholantis for Schools | Click the picture above to access Ms. Mac's Scholantis Class Site
Ms. Mac's Learning Letter Lessons:
It's time to learn our A, B, Cs! Click on the apple above and you will see the "Letter" tabs. Start with tab "A" and then do "B" and "C".... pretty soon we'll get to "Z"! This is going to be a fun way for you to learn your letter sounds!! It's almost like being in the classroom with Ms. Mac! Have fun listening to all the alphabet videos, stories and sounds. Make sure you look at the pictures on the letter pages too. Can you find all the things in each picture that start with the letter that you are learning about? Check back to this site each week to learn more letter sounds!
Ms. Mac's Math Lessons:
It's time to learn about Math! Click on the icon above and you will see the "Math" tab. Check out Ms. Mac's video about Ten-Frame Values. What's a ten-frame you ask? You'll have to watch the video to find out more! Have fun Learning!!
Classroom News for Division 4
If we return to on-line learning, Ms. Macintosh will use her Blog site for any Special Announcements
Click the picture above to access Ms. Mac's BLOG